On Olympic Shooters:
"Olympic shooters have time-tested mental exercises they use to get through some of the most stressful moments of their careers: They exhale deeply to steady their nerves. They assess the targets ahead of them. They trust in the preparation that got them there."
~ Andrew Keh, NY Times
Heard on the Changeover
The annual SHOES-FOR-KIDS Charity Tournament at Emerald Pointe, PG is considering format changes for a 2025 version – mainly replacing match play with a fun SKILLS CONTEST for all levels (target tennis, radar timed serving, agility competition, and much more). More to follow later on.
Improving one's ball striking skills is the obvious, never ending given. But, it’s the mostly overlooked and seldom taught difference making mental and emotional techniques that represent the ultimate path to your personal best tennis, win or lose, every single time out. Tennis is, after all, much more than just the strokes.
"Jak is a superbly talented and gifted teacher. If you want to dial-in your A-game more consistently, his book Tennis Game Theory is a must read."
- Dr. Jim Loehr
World Renowned Performance Psychologist and best-selling author
Whether you’re a tournament player, a weekend warrior, new to the game or coming back to it after a long hiatus, you have experienced moments, even extended patches of truly outstanding play. On the other hand you have also experienced entire days when nothing seemed to go right for you – consistently inconsistent. Learning to understand precisely why you’re succeeding or failing to perform up to your expectations - produced by your good results - is paramount in improving your game and enabling you to aspire higher.
Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
- Albert Einstein
Jak’s ability to quickly zero-in on the differences in your play, those that ultimately account for the successes and failures both in the point and in between points, is the product of over 40 years experience and proven know how in teaching and coaching the game at every level.
His highly developed ability to both recognize and feed the exact ball a players needs to literally feel the optimal ball striking experience, coupled with the playing skill and fitness to do it on the run in one-on-one live ball situations - teaching through playing - result in repetitive perfect practice learning opportunities.
Every player is approached as an individual, one who learns in their own particular way and who grows at their own particular rate – hard wiring and previous conditioning. It’s all about the player and his or her needs, and not about those of the coach.
After working with Jak, even briefly, aspiring players' understanding of their true game and potential is markedly expanded.
"Be with what is, so that what is to be MAY BECOME."
- Kierkegaard, Philosopher